Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shooting Continues

I spent yesterday wandering around various record stores in Shibuya getting a little extra B-roll for my final project. While doing this I took the liberty to do some record shopping, as I haven't done as much as I would like while here in Japan. One thing about the record digging scene is Japan is that they have pretty much everything you could ever dream of. In the first 5 minutes, I every record I picked up was something rare that I've only read about or seen online. Another thing is the ridiculous price tags attached to all these records. I understand (somewhat) charging over 60$ for a rare record, while still expensive that is not to ridiculous. But some stuff I would see back in the states for about 5$ was costing upwards of 50$ here, which is just crazy. I guess its just the economy and the fact that there is alot more disposable money circulating in the hands of people here in Tokyo than there is in the U.S. and especially Philly. Nonetheless I definitely have to incorporate something about records or record digging in my final project. It is such a big part of hip-hop and the fact that the scene is so good here, it wouldn't be painting the full picture if I did not include it.

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