Monday, September 7, 2009

Three day project part 2

My experience on day two of this project was somewhat similar to day one, although I did manage to scribble down some notes as I did my observations. I found myself outside of the Big Box in Takadanobaba at about 6 O'clock. There were a group of about 6 or 7 teenagers standing around waiting for a bus, and about three policemen standing around looking quite bored. I saw parents dragging kids along by the hand trying to get them to hurry along to the station. Pretty uneventful, no wonder the policemen looked so bored. I made my way to the 6th floor of the Big Box, where the arcade is located. It was even more crowded than the day before, with a line of people waiting to play one of the 6 Street Fighter games. There were about 4 or 5 groups of girls in their which I found interesting. In america you would never see an arcade as a hang out spot for girls. Also besides these groups, I also witnessed a good amount of couples playing together. The staff in the building was extremely nice as almost every one working there went out of their way to say hello to me. After about a half hour of hanging around the arcade, I left thinking about how I would do my "interaction" on the third day of this project.

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