Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Three Day Project Day 3

After two days of standing in the background and trying to blend in (as best as I can), it was time for me to attempt to interact with someone. I did not spend anytime outside the Big Box, but rather went straight to the arcade with the goal of challenging someone in a game or two. First up was Mario Kart 2, arcade style. There were already two people playing and two more spots open so I took a seat and waited for the next game to begin so I could join in. In my best Japanese-English dialect I asked them if they would race against me. I assume they understood because next thing I knew I was in a heated battle with turtle shells and banana peels whizzing past my character. I considered myself a fairly accomplished Mario Cart player back in the days of nintendo 64, and I was able to hold my own to finish in 2nd place. I again attempted to tell my competitors "good race" but I'm still not sure they understood. The next game up was Street Fighter. I waited a couple minutes to get a spot and decided to try to my luck against the computer first, seeing as how it has been years since I have played. I destroyed to computer and was feeling pretty good about myself at this point, but that was all about to change. Again in my Japanese-English (mostly english) hybrid, I waited for the kid next for me to be done and challenged. I did not know what I was getting into. To say I was slaughtered would be an understatement, seeing as how I got about one hit in the whole three rounds while taking a great deal of punishment. After it was over the kid did not gloat or act cocky or anything of that nature. He just continued to play as if killing me was business as usual, and I have a feeling that it was. After my embarrassing defeat I decided it was time to conclude my three day project and exited the arcade with my head held low.

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