Thursday, November 26, 2009

Final Project!!

Due to the file size I can't upload it to youtube or vimeo, so I put it on megavideo. Here is my final project, enjoy.

Final Stages of Final Project

I am currently in the final stages of finishing my final project I am pretty happy about how it is all coming together. Seeing as how this is the first time I've had to go out and shoot and edit a project on my own I'm feeling very good about how it is currently looking. Some of my footage was a little dark, but the color-corrector on final cut has been a big help. Although my actual footage and editing is not that great, the content is really good. I'm hoping the interviews and content will be the driving force for this project. I have people talking about the educational system in Japan and how it drives kids the express themselves as well as people talking about the underground/mainstream scene here in Japan. The story is pretty cohesive and follows a pattern. I still need to edit and adjust my audio levels as well as my music. I also need to add subtitles for one part, but besides that I am almost done. Back to work!

Final U.P.I. Project

Despite some setbacks with sound slides I have finished my U.P.I. Project. Due to the file size, the video quality is a little low, but you still get the feel for it.

Graffiti in Japan from Danny Quick on Vimeo.

U.P.I. Project

I am starting to put together my project for U.P.I. about graffiti here in Japan. I've spent the last couple days trying to gather all my materials for it. This has included scouring the the shadiest alleys and corners in Tokyo to find graffiti as well as looking through hundreds of photos from other people online to find the right stuff. I am glad I have such a large catalog of stuff to choose from, it really gives me a lot of options. I wanna be sure to include a wide range of styles of art in this project to show the full spectrum of graffiti here in Japan, because it is widely varied. Aside from all of the photo sorting I have been editing my interview with Astro MBS, a writer who I met while in Tsukuba. He was a real chill dude, real down to earth. He looked kinda hardcore with tattoos all down his arms and neck but he was the nicest dude, it was real surprising. I've also spent time looking for the right music to go along with all of this. I want to use something that I produced so I have been looking through my catalog of music to find the right sound. I am actually only writing this blog in procrastination so I better get back to work

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shooting Continues

I spent yesterday wandering around various record stores in Shibuya getting a little extra B-roll for my final project. While doing this I took the liberty to do some record shopping, as I haven't done as much as I would like while here in Japan. One thing about the record digging scene is Japan is that they have pretty much everything you could ever dream of. In the first 5 minutes, I every record I picked up was something rare that I've only read about or seen online. Another thing is the ridiculous price tags attached to all these records. I understand (somewhat) charging over 60$ for a rare record, while still expensive that is not to ridiculous. But some stuff I would see back in the states for about 5$ was costing upwards of 50$ here, which is just crazy. I guess its just the economy and the fact that there is alot more disposable money circulating in the hands of people here in Tokyo than there is in the U.S. and especially Philly. Nonetheless I definitely have to incorporate something about records or record digging in my final project. It is such a big part of hip-hop and the fact that the scene is so good here, it wouldn't be painting the full picture if I did not include it.

Finished Mobile Phone Project

Graffiti in Tokyo (by Danny Q. and Kenta S.) from ron carr on Vimeo.

Mobile Phone Project

Last week, me and Kenta spent some time in the Shin-Okubo section on Tokyo, exploring and photographing a small skate park called "The Ghetto". "The Ghetto" is nestled between a plethora of love hotels, and it was originally a love hotel itself, later converted the skate park it is today. The appeal of this place is the ridiculous amount of dope graffiti all around the building and inside. There is work by some of the best and well known writers in the Tokyo area, making a prime location to do a project about Graffiti in Tokyo. It is especially a good place to do a project with only a mobile phone for a couple of reasons. Mobile phone filming, by nature, is kinda of lower quality and "artsy." With all the complex styles and colors associated with the graffiti at "The Ghetto" it really gives you the room to do some interesting stuff. All this being said I am excited to get to work on this project and see how it turns out.